[RAPEX] Overview of RAPEX notifications in March 2016
Published: Author: Visits: 1240
In accordance with the General Product Safety Directive 2001/95/EC (GPSD) and Regulation 765/2008, in March 2016 the European Commission validated 151 notifications1 on dangerous products and transmitted them to the Member States and EEA-countries, namely:
Compared to the total number of notifications on dangerous products submitted during the month of March 2015 (158) the number is 4% lower in March 2016.
1.Notifying country
During the month of March, 23 EU Member States and Iceland sent notifications on dangerous products through the RAPEX system. The five most frequently notifying countries accounted for 66% of the notifications:

2.Product category
The notifications validated in March covered 18 categories of products. The five most frequently notified product categories accounted for 72% of all notifications:

3.Type of risk
The notifications validated in March covered 14 different types of risk. The five most frequently notified risk categories accounted for 74% of all notifications:
4.Country of origin
From the dangerous products notified in March, about half originated from China (80 notifications, 53%). 38 notifications (25%) concerned products originating from EU Member States. 23 notifications (15%) concerned products originating in other countries. 10 notifications (7%) contained no information about the country of origin of the notified product.
5. Measures adopted
In the month of March, 79 notifications (52%) were of compulsory preventive and restrictive measures ordered by national authorities (‘compulsory measures’). In 72 other notifications (48%), economic operators took preventive and restrictive measures on a ‘voluntary’ basis (‘voluntary measures’), i.e. they complied with their legal obligations without the formal intervention of a national authority. There were no cases reported this month where both kinds of measures were taken concerning the dangerous product notified.
It is very frequent that there is more than one measure adopted in relation to a notified product. That is, it is regularly the case, that when the authorities ordered a sales ban they have also ordered a withdrawal from the market.
Of the compulsory measures, 5 were initiated by the customs authorities. These were 2 in Finland, and one in Denmark, France and the United Kingdom.
Reminders: Businesses shall test their products for regulation compliance if necessary so as to reduce economic losses resulting from recalls.


Weekly overview report of RAPEX notifications- Report 9
Weekly overview report of RAPEX notifications- Report 10
Weekly overview report of RAPEX notifications- Report 11
Weekly overview report of RAPEX notifications- Report 12

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