Guidance for Suppliers of Articles by 6 countries

Pubdate : 2014-03-27 Source : Writer : cirs

Following cooperation between the authorities responsible for REACH in six European countries, guidance has been published offering advice for suppliers of articles on performing their legal duties to inform about contents of chemical substances on the candidate list.


The guide is produced jointly by authorities in Belgium, Germany, Denmark, France, Norway and Sweden.


That  is aimed to help suppliers of articles –i.e. producers,importers, wholesalers and retailers of articles, to understand how to get information and provide information in order to fulfill their REACH obligations on articles.


It stresses that the same information on contents of candidate list substances shall be provided, irrespective of whether the article is sold separately, or as a part of an article assembled from several articles.


The guidance also emphasises that suppliers should note that candidate list substances tend to be subject to further REACH measures. These may limit or prevent their use in articles. Clear information from up the supply chain can help avoid late and potentially costly surprises.



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