EU Amend the Directive 2000/53/EC Annex II on End-of Life Vehicles
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16 November 2017, the Official Journal of the European Union (OJ) published Commission Directive (EU) 2017/2096, to amend Annex II to Directive 2000/53/EC on end-of life vehicles, which is related to exemption requirements of materials and components of vehicles.


Article 4(2)(a) of the ELV Directive 2000/53/EC prohibits the use of lead, mercury, cadmium and hexavalent chromium in materials and components of vehicles put on the market after 1 July 2003, whereas the revised Annex II lists vehicle materials and components exempt from the prohibition set out in Article 4(2)(a) thereof.

For materials and components in Article 2(c), 3 and 5, the use of lead is unavoidable and its substitutes may become available in the near future, thus a new review date for that exemption should be set, taking into account the progress in the development of substitutes. Consequently, the European Commission has issued the amendment to replace the Annex II to Directive 2000/53/EC. The specific terms refer to the relevant link at the end of the text.

Directive (EU) 2017/2096 is addressed to the Member States and shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. All the member states should adopt and publish by 6 June 2018 the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive, and also they need to communicate to the European Commission the text of the main provisions of national law which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive.

C&K Testing remind related vehicle manufacturers to pay attention to the relevant amendment of the regulation on vehicles, and strengthen the cooperation with professional testing organizations to ensure the product quality and prevent the subsequent risk in time.

|Further InformationDirective (EU) 2017/2096

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