EU Commission requests scientific opinion on chromium VI in

Pubdate : 2014-03-27 Source : Writer : cirs

The European Commission has asked the Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (Scher) for an opinion on the safe use of chromium VI in toys.

The Toy Safety Directive1 establishes migration limits for 19 elements in toys or components of toys,depending on the toy material used. The migration limits may not be exceeded. However, they do not apply if the toy or the components of the toy clearly exclude any hazard due to sucking, licking, swallowing or prolonged contact with the skin when used as intended or in a foreseeable way, bearing in mind the behaviour of children.
The migration limits are based on a 2008 RIVM report and opinions of the Scientific Committee.In section 2.3.5 of the 2008 RIVM report it is stated that the TDI value for chromium VI “only takes into account non-carcinogenic effects by hexavalent chromium; for the carcinogenic effect by hexavalent chromium a highly uncertain Virtually Safe Dose of 0.0053 μg/kg bw/day has been proposed by OEHHA (1999). A new drinking-water cancer bioassay with hexavalent chromium is being conducted within the US-NTP” (Note "a" to Table 2-2 ). Based on recent findings of the US-NTP, a level of 0.02 ppb in drinking water was proposed by OEHHA in December 2010. A final technical support document for the Public Health Goal for hexavalent chromium in drinking water was published in July 2011.
Taking this new information into consideration, SCHER is asked:
• to review the available scientific data and conclusions drawn for chromium VI in the light of the OEHHA technical support document for the Public Health Goal for hexavalent chromium in drinking water, of July 2011;
• to consider whether the migration limits for chromium VI in point 13 of section III of Annex II of the Toy Safety Directive 2009/48/EC are still appropriate to ensure the safety of toys;
• to propose, if the current limits are no longer appropriate, new limits, clearly indicating the data on which they would be based.
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