H.k. proposed to impose concentration limits of phthalates i

Pubdate : 2014-03-27 Source : Writer : cirs

In late November, 2012, Commerce and Economic Development Bureau of Hong Kong released a proposal to revise the toys and children's products safety ordinance (Cap.424)to impose concentration limits of phthalates in toys and child care products. Commerce and Economic Development Bureau asks public consultation before January 19, 2013.


Concentration limits of phthalates

(a) the plasticized parts of  a toy or child care article (defined as a product that is intended to facilitate the relaxation, sleep, hygiene, feeding, sucking or teething of a child under 48 months of age) should not contain an aggregate weight of DEHP, DBP and BBP which is more than 0.1% (equivalent to 1,000 mg/kg);  and


(b) the plasticized parts pf a toy or child care article that can be placed in the mouth of a child under 48 months of age should not contain an aggregate weight of DINP, DIDP and DNOP which is more than 0.1% (equivalent to 1,000mg/kg)




Rroposal by Commerce and Economic Development Bureau of Hong Kong


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Kristin Bu

Testing Project Manager

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Email: bj@cirs-group.com

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