Zhejiang’s Standards on Solid Wood Flooring and Engineered Flooring passed review

Pubdate : 2015-07-22 Source : Unknow Writer : CIRS
On 13 July 2015, the Review Conference for Zhejiang’s Standards on Solid Wood Flooring and Engineered Flooring that organised by Zhejiang Institute of Standardization (ZIS) took place in Nanxun District, Huzhou. The said two standards passed review after detailed discussion and query by experts.
Compared with relevant GB standards, major improvements are made in the two standards as below:
1. Optimising indicators such as appearance quality and physical performance;
2. Introducing indicators such as requirements on flame retardant property and limits for heavy metals;
3. Engineered Flooring optimises release amount of formaldehyde.
Seeing from above, we may find that: Zhejiang’s flooring standards not only aim to promote product quality, but also pay more attention to human health and safety, among which the limits for heavy metals associated with human safety are even stricter than that stipulated in standards for toys.

Further information
News from website of Zhejiang Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision (in Chinese)

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