Sony’s latest management regulation SS-00259 (14th Edition) is publicised

Pubdate : 2015-07-08 Source : Unknow Writer : CIRS
Management Regulations for The Environment-Related Substances to Be Controlled Which are included in Parts and Materials of Sony Corporation, i.e., SS-00259, has been updated to the 14th edition on 1 July 2015. SS-00259 (14th edition) will be effective since 1 August 2015. At that time, parts and materials contained in products that manufactured and designed by Sony Group or its entrusted parties shall comply with relevant requirements of the management regulation.
The major changes of the version include:
1. Six new categories of hazardous substances are included in the management list:
Substance CAS No. Management level Target Threshold requirement Effective date of the ban on the delivery
Hydro chloro fluoro carbon (HCFC) / 1 Used for products (e.g. refrigerant, thermal insulation material, insulation material) Intentionally added or used Immediately
2-ethylhexyl 10-ethyl-4,4-dioctyl-7-oxo-8-oxa-3,5-dithia-4-stannatetradecanoate (DOTE) 15571-58-1 3 All uses 1000 ppm N/A
1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, diheptyl ester, branched and linear / 3 All uses 1000 ppm N/A
DI-N-HEXYL PHTHALATE 68515-50-4 3 All uses Intentionally added Immediately
N-Phenyl-benzenamine reaction products with styrene and 2,4,4-trimethylpentene (BNST) 68921-45-9 1 Rubber additive (but rubber additive is Level 1) N/A N/A
Except the applicable targets
2-(2H-Benzotriazol-2-yl)-4,6-ditertpentylphenol (UV-328) 25973-55-1 3 All uses 1000 ppm N/A
2. Adjustment of management level of some hazardous substances:
The Cadmium targets under management level 2 are adjusted to level 1;
The PFOA targets under management level 2 are adjusted to level 1;
The DBT targets under management level 2 are adjusted to level 1;
The arsenic trioxide and arsenic pentoxide targets under management level 2 are adjusted to level 1;
Partial specific phthalates targets under management level 2 are adjusted to level 1, and targets under management level 3 are specified;
The PAH targets under management level 2 are adjusted to level 1;
3. Adjustment in reference targets, testing method and other aspects of some substances:
New requirement are posed on hexavalent chromium in parts or materials of natural leather with testing method specified.

Further information
SS-00259 (14th edition) (Chinese and English)
SS-00259 (13th edition) (Chinese and English)

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Laura Ho
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