14 batches of mooncakes prove unqualified during food inspection

Pubdate : 2015-09-24 Source : Unknow Writer : CIRS
China Food and Drug Administration issued notification (No. 66 of 2015) regarding 14 batches of mooncakes and 2 batches of bee products on 22 September 2015. The inspection involves 360 batches of moon cakes, 14 batches of which prove to be unqualified during inspection. The reasons for such failure include microorganism, heavy metals and food additives, etc.
The basis standards for the inspection includ National food safety standard—Standard for use of food additives (GB 2760-2014), National food safety standard—Maximum residue limits for pesticides in food (GB 2762-2012), Hygienic standard for pastry and bread (GB 7099-2003), National food safety standard—Limit for pathogenic bacteria in food (GB 29921-2013) and other requirements for product identifications. The inspection items cover lead (heavy metal), acid value of quality, peroxide value, benzoic acid, sorbic acid, saccharin sodium salt and other indicators for food additives, total bacteria colonies, coliform bacteria and other indicators for microorganism, DMF and other inedible substances, totaling 28 indicators.
The 360 batches of moon cake samples cover 238 enterprises from 24 provinces. Here are the results for the inspection.
Nonconforming Items and Their Standard Values
Nonconforming Item Standard Value Nonconforming Item Standard Value
Dehydroacetic acid 0.5g/kg Total bacteria colonies ≤1500CFU/g
Acid value ≤5mg/g Natamycin 10mg/kg
Dose of each preservative/ maximum usage
(Total of these ratios)
≤1 Aluminum residue (based on dry basis) ≤100mg/kg
Food and Drug Administration at all levels began to check the non-compliant products from the above inspection and required operators to withdraw or recall the products from the market.
In addition, as reported on 18 August by China Quality News, Shenzhen Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau found that Snowy mooncakes imported from Malaysia contained coliform bacteria that exceeding the limit (maximum content is as high as 79 times of the limit of Chinese standard). Coliforms can be found in the aquatic environment, in soil and on vegetation; they are universally present in large numbers in the feces of warm-blooded animals. The index indicates the food is not clean and there is a high hazard for food-borne diseases.
Reminder: Consumers should buy mooncakes in medium and large-sized supermarkets, food stores and other compliant shops. It is advisable to pay attention to the guarantee period and place of production for the mooncakes. In the meanwhile, the advertisement that some mooncakes are wholesome is false. China Food and Drug Administration has never approved on such mooncakes. Furthermore, do not eat too many mooncakes as they are high-carbohydrate and fatty.


Further information
CFDA No.66 Notification of 2015 (in Chinese)

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