New York to ban polystyrene foam on 1 July

Pubdate : 2015-07-16 Source : Unknow Writer : CIRS
New York will ban polystyrene foam (EPS) products on 1 July. However, a grace period of six months is given for manufacturers and agencies that possess, provide and sell foam products, beyond which fines will be imposed on breaching companies (i.e., 1 January 2016).
The banned foam products include single-use cups, bowls, plates, to-go containers and trays. Furthermore, those containing polystyrene or used for packaging meat and fish are also prohibited.
Notice: Items that are packed in foam and manufactured outside the city, but shipped to be sold in New York stores, are exempt.
Besides New York, some other U.S. cities like Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and Washington also release such ban to prohibit the use of foam plastic food containers.
However, single-use foam food containers in China staged a comeback after 14-year ban on 1 May 2013, when it was deleted from the phase-out product category by National Development and Reform Commission. It still remains unknown whether the US ban on foam products will lead to another similar ban in China.
Reminder: relevant exporters shall take an initiative part in looking for new substitutes, for instance, paper, plastic cement, aluminum and other bio-degradable materials.

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SCCS Opinion

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