ORGALIME Updates RoHS Guide

Pubdate : 2014-03-27 Source : Writer : cirs

The European Engineering Industries Association (ORGALIME) has updated a practical guide to understanding the specific obligations of  recast Directive 2011/65/EU on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in EEE (RoHS II) in September, 2012.


Directive 2002/95/EC on the Restriction of Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (known as the “RoHS Directive” or “RoHS I”) restricts the use of lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenylethers in certain electrical and electronic equipment since 1 July 2006.


The initial RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC and its successive amendments (Directive 2011/65/EU) will be repealed with effect from 3 January 2013.


The purpose of this ORGALIME Guide is to explain the main changes and obligations arising from the recast, and to identify their consequences for ORGALIME industries.


ORGALIME, the European Engineering Industries Association, speaks for 37 trade federations representing some 130,000 companies in the mechanical, electrical, electronic, metalworking & metal articles industries of 22 European countries.



Oragalime RoHS Guide


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Kristin Bu

Testing Project Manager

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