TRIM®VX is listed under Prop 65 as a Carcinogen
Published: Author: Visits: 1895

25 May 2018, California's Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) issued a notice. TRIM®VX is officially listed as a carcinogen under Prop 65 list.

Prop 65,Carcinogen,TRIM®VX,list,Testing

The listing of TRIM®VX is based on formal identification by the National Toxicology Program (NTP), an authoritative body, that the chemical causes cancer. As early as 26 January, 2018, OEHHA has issued a request for advice on listing the substance TRIM®VX under Prop 65.

The detail of TRIM®VX in the Prop 65 list is as follows:




Listing Mechanism*





*Listing mechanism: AB – “authoritative bodies” mechanism (Title 27, Cal. Code of Regs. section 25306).

The California law requires manufacturers and retailers to warn workers and consumers exposed to chemicals on the list.

C&K Testing reminds enterprises to pay attention to the updating of the Prop 65 list, and strengthen the cooperation with professional testing agencies to prevent the subsequent risk.

|Further Information:

The List of Prop 65-2018.5.25

The Notice of Listing TRIM® VX under Prop 65

TRIM® VX to List under Prop 65 as a Carcinogen-C&K Testing, 2018.2.9

|Our Service:

Prop 65

Chemical Testing