Sweden finds over half plastic articles contain banned chemicals
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Spot Check Report on Plastic Articles 2015 released by the Swedish Chemicals Agency (kemi) shows more than half plastic articles contain prohibited substances such as phthalates (plasticisers), short chain chlorinated paraffins (plasticisers and flame retardant), lead, cadmium and dimethylformamide/methylacetamide.

160 samples from 52 companies were inspected, including bathroom products, garden equipment, working gloves, bags and sports equipment. Most of these articles were made of soft plastic. The results for the spot check are as follows:

  • 14 of 160 articles analysed contained restricted substances in levels above the limit values. The most common substance was short chain chlorinated paraffins
  • 24 articles contained substances on the candidate list in the REACH Regulation in levels above 0.1 percentage by weight.
  • 44 other articles contained low levels (below the limit value) of restricted substances or hazardous chemicals that were not restricted in this kind of articles.

When the companies received information about the results from the analysis made by the Swedish Chemicals Agency, they stopped selling the products. In two cases, we had to put a ban on the sale of the articles. We reported 20 companies to the environmental prosecutor for putting articles on the market, articles containing restricted substances or for not informing recipients of the articles about the content of substances of very high concern. The articles that contained high levels of short chained chlorinated paraffins and cadmium were notified to RAPEX.

Phthalates and SCCP are usually employed in the manufacture of plastic articles for softening or flame retardants. Based on RAPEX statistics in recent years, plastic articles are frequently notified due to the presence of the two substances in dangerous levels. C&K Testing advises businesses should intensify the control over the entire supply chain and the purchasing of raw materials. It is important to check product compliance to avoid risks.

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