Sony SS-00259 (the 15th edition) takes into effect on 1 April
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On 1 March 2017, Sony Management Regulations for the Environment-related Substances to be Controlled which are included in Parts and Materials -SS-00259 was updated to the 15th-edition. The parts, materials, and other goods that are procured by the Sony group, or by third parties to which the Sony group outsources the design and manufacture of its electronics products shall fulfill the regulatory requirements since 1 Apr. 2017.

The SS-00259 defines "Controlled Substances" that, in our judgment, have a significant impact on the global environment and may harm human health. It aims to ban or phase out the use of them in the process of design, manufacture, and distribution of products. The standard clarifies(1) banned substances, (2) substances to be phased out, and (3) exempted substances and their uses. The standard covers almost 50 environment-related substances including phthalates, lead and lead compounds, cadmium and cadmium compounds, mercury and mercury compounds, chromium (VI) compounds, polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) and polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs).

Compared with the previous version (14th edition), the amendments made are in the following manners:

1. Add two environment-related substances to be controlled




Threshold level


Level 1

- Parts and materials for mobile phone, where prolonged

skin contact is expected

0.28 μg/cm2/week(release


Level 3

- All, where prolonged skin contact is expected

Intentionally added

Substances in candidate list for authorization of EU REACH regulation

Level 3

- All

0.1 wt% (1000 ppm) of article

2. Adjust the management levels of some hazardous substances

Phthalates: level 3 to level 1

Cobalt dichloride: add “Moisture indicator used for a desiccant agent (e.g. silica gel)”, the mgmt level of “humidity indicator card which is impregnated with cobalt dichloride”to level 3.

Formaldehyde: add the use in textile into level 1.

3. Clarify the definitions for material, article, part and product.

C&K Testing advises businesses should comply with the new requirements on 1 April 2017.

|Further Information:

Sony’s latest management regulation SS-00259 (14th Edition) is publicised

|Our Services: Electrical and Electronic Equipment Testing