SCCS Issued Scientific Advice on HC Red No.18
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On December 10, 2024, the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) of the European Union issued scientific advice (SCCS/1673/24) on HC Red No.18 (CAS No. 1444596-49-9). The deadline for comments is set for January 13, 2025.SCCS,Cosmetic,EU,Safety,Consultation
The SCCS concludes the following:

In light of the data provided, the SCCS considers HC Red 18 safe when used as an ingredient at 1.5% in oxidative hair dye and at 0.5% in non-oxidative hair dye formulations.

The Chinese Cosmetic Ingredient Regulatory Database (ChinaCosIng), independently developed by CIRS Group, indicates that HC Red No.18 has not been included in included in the "Inventory of Existing Cosmetic Ingredients in China" (IECIC) (2021 edition) and the List of Allowed Hair Dyes.

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