Quality and supervision results on toys in Shanghai
Published: Author: Visits: 1429
On 26 May 2016, Shanghai Quality and Technology Supervision Bureau (“Bureau”) publishes quality and supervision result on toys in Shanghai, China of 2016. There are 101 batches of products involved in the random inspection and 18 of them fall short of relevant requirements (such as phthalates, physical and mechanical properties, labelling).

The Bureau conducted special supervision and random inspection on the quality of toys manufactured or sold in local area since toys are listed on the catalogue subject to China Compulsory Certification (CCC).

Legal bases: GB 6675-2003 National safety technical code for toys, GB 5296.5-2006 Instructions for use of products of consumer interest—Part 5: Toys, GB19865-2005 Electric toys—Safety, GB6675.1-2014 Toys safety—Part 1: Basic code, GB6675.2-2014 Safety of toys—Part 2: Mechanical and physical properties, GB6675.3-2014 Safety of toys—Part 3: Flammability, GB6675.4-2014 Safety of toys—Part 4: Migration of certain elements.

Test items: mechanical and physical properties, flammability, labelling, migration of certain elements, electric properties.

You can see the table below for more details
Quality and supervision results on toys in 2016
ProductReason for non-compliance
Play house setSample batteries are replaceable button cells. However the battery house or no other labels indicating the voltage of batteries do not comply with relevant requirements in Chapter 7.
Decorative toysNo voltage or polarities indicated on the battery house. Sample batteries are replaceable button cells but the packaging label describes the type of batteries as dry cells, not complying with relevant requirements in Chapter 7.
Parent-child intercomNo voltage or polarities indicated on the battery house, not complying with relevant requirements in Chapter 7.
DollsThe sample is an electric toy with replaceable batteries. But the Chinese label and instruction do not indicate the product contains replaceable batteries, not complying with relevant requirements in Chapter 7.
Luxury Dress-up Twins Girl 18" DollThe sample lacks of Chinese labels and instructions, product name, model, standard No., applicable age, as well as names and addresses of distributors, not complying with relevant requirements in GB 5296.5-2006.
DollsPhthalates in accessible parts of the product exceeds the limits, not compliant with relevant requirements in GB 6675.
DollsPhthalates in accessible parts of the product exceeds the limits, not compliant with relevant requirements in GB 6675.
Musical instruments of Balala the Faries1. The average thickness of the plastic packaging in the product is less than that (0.038mm) as stipulated in the standard.
2. The 12 mm round bar cannot fit into the rigid metal round disc of which the thickness is less than 1.58mm.
Flat carsThe protective component of the sample poses protrusions when the truck wheel detaches from the axle during tensile strength, not complying with GB 6675-2003.
Doll seriesPhthalates in accessible parts of the product exceeds the limits, not compliant with relevant requirements in GB 6675.
DollsPhthalates in accessible parts of the product exceeds the limits, not compliant with relevant requirements in GB 6675.
Toy blocksPhthalates in accessible parts of the product exceeds the limits, not compliant with relevant requirements in GB 6675.
Toy carsThe protective component of the sample poses protrusions when the truck wheel detaches from the axle during tensile strength, not complying with GB 6675-2003.
Eagle ProjectorThe yellow plastic round projectile can fit into the small part cylinder, not complying with relevant requirements.
TelecarPhthalates in accessible parts of the product exceeds the limits, not compliant with relevant requirements in GB 6675.
Tanks (sound and light toys)1. Phthalates in accessible parts of the product exceeds the limits, not compliant with relevant requirements in GB 6675..
2. Sample batteries are replaceable button cells. However the battery house or no other labels indicating the voltage of batteries do not comply with relevant requirements in Chapter 7.
Electric pistolPhthalates in accessible parts of the product exceeds the limits, not compliant with relevant requirements in GB 6675.
Water pistolPhthalates in accessible parts of the product exceeds the limits, not compliant with relevant requirements in GB 6675.

Giveaway gifts are quite popular to facilitate market promotion. But they shall also comply with relevant requirements for children’s products as stipulated in GB 6675. C&K Testing advises businesses to lay emphasis on product testing to avoid losses caused by non-compliance

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