Q&As on Ordinary Cosmetics Filing in Guangzhou (Vol. 65)
Published: Author: Visits: 339

We have collected the latest FAQs on ordinary cosmetics filing from the Guangzhou Administration for Market Regulation and translated them into English for your reference.


1. When conducting compatibility studies for cosmetic products, is it still necessary to perform a "one product, one study" approach for products with similar formulation systems?

For cosmetic products with similar formulation systems and identical, consistently sourced packaging materials that come into direct contact with the contents, the registrant or filer may conduct a compatibility assessment based on existing data and experimental results. However, they must provide the rationale and explain the situation.

2. Can the registration or filing application be submitted only after the completion of long-term testing?

The registrant or filer of the cosmetic product can submit the registration or filing application after the completion of accelerated testing. The long-term test report should be kept on file by the company.

3. How should the duration and time points for influence factor tests, accelerated tests, and long-term tests be set?

The purpose of cosmetic stability evaluation is to observe the changes in the product over time under certain conditions, such as temperature and humidity. The duration of influence factor tests, accelerated tests, and long-term tests should be determined by the registrant or filer based on the characteristics of the cosmetics and packaging materials. Multiple time points should be set to study the quality changes of the product, and these time points should be established according to the characteristics of the product form and the requirements for stability trend evaluation.

4. What are the stability evaluation requirements for cosmetic products with similar formulations and identical packaging materials?

For cosmetic products with similar formulations and identical packaging materials, stability assessments may be conducted based on existing data and experimental results. However, the reasons must be clarified, and the situation explained.

If you need any assistance or have any questions, please get in touch with us via test@cirs-group.com.