Prop 65 adopts maximum allowable dose level (Oral) for ethylene glycol
Published: Author: Visits: 1519

On April 4, 2017, the Office of Administrative Law approved the amendment of Title 27, California Code of Regulations, section 25805, Maximum Allowable Dose Level (MADL) for the chemical ethylene glycol (ingested). The regulation will be effective on July 1 2017. This regulation establishes a MADL of 8,700 (oral) micrograms per day for ethylene glycol (ingested).

Ethylene glycol (CAS No.: 107-21-1) was included in the list of Prop 65 for its reproductive toxicity on 19 June 2015. Pursuant to Prop 65 Regulation, all products placed on the California market shall be attached with a warning if a substance is present in the Prop 65 list. Ethylene glycol is used as an intermediate in the synthesis of polyester compounds. It is also a constituent in antifreeze, deicing fluids, surface coatings, heat transfer fluids and industrial coolants, hydraulic fluids, surfactants and emulsifiers.

By researching into enforcement actions and settlement agreements, we are able to render analytic testing for customers to identify the concentration of the listed chemicals under Prop 65, and conduct test as per the existing settlements. Furthermore, we also can help you design compliant warnings to deal with Prop 65. Please feel free to contact or leave us a message if any question. Staffed by experienced specialists, C&K Testing can assure you of the quality and safety of your products by our professional testing services as per different standards.

|Further Information

OEHHA release

|Our Services: Prop 65