Imported FCMs (18 batches) fail during inspection of Guangzhou Authority

Pubdate : 2015-09-23 Source : Unknow Writer : CIRS
On 22 July 2015, Guangzhou Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine issued a document that 18 batches of food contact materials (FCMs) failed during the inspection in the first six months this year due to presence of melamine and excessive migration of heavy metals.
There are 5 batches of FCMs with excessive migration of heavy metals, whose test results do not comply with national mandatory standard GB 9684-2011 National Standard for Food Safety—Stainless Products. The standard covers stainless bowls, kitchen knives for children, Sashimi knives and etc.
GB 9684-2011 Requirements for migration of heavy metals
Item Limit (mg/dm2) Item Limit (mg/dm2)
Lead 0.01 Nickel 0.1
Chromium 0.4 Cadmium 0.005
Arsenic 0.008    
Melamine is commonly found in melamine tableware. According to requirements of GB 9690-2009 Hygienic standard for melamine-formaldehyde products used as food containers and packaging materials, migration of melamine monomer shall not exceed 0.2mg/dm2.
As known to all, excessive heavy metals are potentially hazardous to human health. For instance, when chromium enters body cells, harm may be caused to liver, kidney and other internal organs. The accumulation of heavy metals in human body is carcinogenic and even may cause genetic mutation. Furthermore, long-term accumulation of lead and cadmium in blood will lead to damage to nervus centralis, liver and other organs. When excessive nickel is absorbed, respiratory disorders are easily induced, such as pneumonedema, pneumonia and even respiratory cancer. If external skin is in long-term exposure with nickel, inflammation can be caused. As for arsenic, excessive arsenic in human body brings about general diseases that greatly injure the skin.
Currently, Guangzhou Authority has destroyed and returned such products to avoid FCMs that failing short of standard to be traded in China.
Reminder: Businesses shall pay attention to the differences between Chinese standards and those of other countries during testing for compliance. It is advisable to choose accredited testing lab to avoid trade risk.


Further information
News on Guangzhou Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine (in Chinese)

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