Industry News
On July 12, 2024, the Indonesian Food and Drug Authority (BPOM) officially introduced the updated Notifkos cosmetic notification system. The Notifkos 3.0 system was fully opened to enterprises on January 2, 2025, and is now officially in operation. The new 3.0 system features multiple updates and newly added functionalities.
Perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS) is a highly surface-active perfluorinated compound with chemical properties similar to perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS). Following the ban on PFOS by the Stockholm Convention in 2009, PFHxS has been widely used as a substitute in various products. However, PFHxS is persistent in the environment, capable of long-range transport, and may cause developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, and reproductive toxicity. At the 10th Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention (SC COP-10), PFHxS, its salts, and related compounds were listed in Annex A of the Convention for elimination, with no exemptions allowed.
On February 10, 2023, the first part of the Canadian Gazette announced the revision to the Canadian Cosmetic Regulations to strengthen the regulation of cosmetics in Canada.
Dechlorane Plus (DP) is an additive flame retardant widely used in polymer materials such as plastics and fibers due to its excellent colorability, thermal stability, outstanding electrical properties, and low smoke emission. However, as significant risks of exposure to humans and the environment associated with DP have been confirmed, various regions globally have initiated actions to control this substance. Many export-oriented electronic product companies have already started supply chain investigations regarding this substance.
Recently, the Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment, and Water Resources (DCCEEW) in Australia proposed to include several brominated flame retardant chemicals in the Industrial Chemicals Environmental Management Standards (IChEMS) register.
Substances that may cause serious or irreversible harm to the environment but have essential industrial uses are proposed to be included in Appendix 6 of IChEMS while substances causing serious or irreversible harm to the environment and without essential industrial uses are included in Appendix 7 of IChEMS.
According to the "Order of the General Administration of Customs. P.R.China" (No. 238, No. 240) and the "Announcement of the General Administration of Customs. P.R.China" (No. 34 of 2018), manufacturers, importers or import agents of Imported Paints (Hereinafter referred to as the filing applicant) may apply to the filing agency for the filing of imported paints as needed. The operation process is as follows: 1. Apply for filing The filing application should be submitted to
From December 1, 2020, the new national standards for coatings, inks, adhesives and cleaning agents have been officially implemented. The implementation and supervision of the new national standard has played an important role in China's environmental protection, and can also further regulate the healthy development of the industry. The new national standards not only control domestic coatings, imported coatings are also the subject of supervision by Chinese customs. Recentl
On March 12 2021, Xinsha Customs has detected 2 batches of imported coatings with hazardous substances exceeding the standards and the customs has issued "Inspection and Quarantine Processing Notice" for return processing in accordance with regulations. The Customs inspected the two batches of coatings on site and sent them to the laboratory for testing. It was found that the total content of glycol ethers and ether esters, and the total content of polycyclic aromatic hydroc
In February 2021, the Toxics in Packaging Clearinghouse (TPCH) announced the organization’s 2021 update to their Model Toxics in Packaging Legislation. The update includes the addition of the class of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and ortho-phthalates as regulated chemicals, as well as new processes and criteria for identifying and regulating additional chemicals of high concern in packaging. The previous (prior to 2021) TPCH Model Legislation and la
Asbestos Asbestos is a general term for natural fibrous siliceous minerals. It belongs to silicates. It is a substance with a fibrous crystal structure, containing magnesium, iron, aluminum, sodium and other oxides and bound silica. It is very solid, and has the properties of fire resistance, corrosion resistance, heat preservation, etc., and the price is low. However, asbestos has been included in the list of first-level carcinogens by the WHO. This is because although asbe