Migration and heavy elements top 2015 RASFF FCM notifications
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On 26 Aug. 2016, the European Commission released 2015 RASFF (The Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed) annual report. The result shows Chinese products are still the most frequently notified. And migration and heavy elements are the top two hazards for notification of food contact materials.

In 2015, the RASFF system publishes 9188 notifications, including 2984 original notifications and 6204 follow-up notifications. 388 batches of Chinese products were notified by RASFF in the past year. China remains the country most frequently notified though the figure is lower than that in 2014 (436 batches) and 2013 (417 batches).

Heavy elements and migration top 2015 RASFF hazards among all notifications for food contact materials (FCMs). Common cases are dangerous levels of overall migration for lead, cadmium, nickel, chromium and manganese, formaldehyde or prime amine. Some notifications result from industrial pollution such as melamine.

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