Majority of MSC backs two SVHC proposals
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Helsinki, 10 June 2016, the majority of the Member State Committee (MSC) sent their opinions and positions on the two SVHC proposals concerning phthalate DCHP and 3-benzylidene camphor to the European Commission for final decisions.

On 29 February 2016, the four SVHC intentions proposed by Germany and Sweden entered into official public consultation, which was reported by C&K Testing in the beginning of March.

The majority of MSC supported a proposal to identify the phthalate DCHP as an SVHC and include it in the Candidate List due to its toxicity for reproduction and endocrine disruptive effects to humans. The majority of the MSC supported also the SVHC proposal for 3-benzylidene camphor due to its endocrine disruptive effects to the environment.

Furthermore, Germany withdrew their SVHC proposal for 4-methylbenzylidene camphor in order to further elaborate on the justification provided.

C&K Testing will keep you updated on the decision making of the European Commission.

Further information
ECHA press release