Information about the effectiveness of ASTMF963-16
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American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) publishes Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety ASTM F963-16 in October 2016. It will become mandatory if no major objections in the second quarter of 2017.

It is noted that Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA) mandates ASTM F963 all toys sold in the US comply with ASTM F963. The Commission have a 90-day period to review the amendments to decide whether to adopt the updated version when ASTM notifies CPSC of the latest revisions. If the Commission communicates with the ASTM that the revisions cannot improve toy safety in the period, the previous version ASTM F963-11 will continue to be effective. Otherwise, the updated version will come into effective 90 days since receipt of suggestions (i.e. 180 days after notified by the ASTM).

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has indicated that the effective date of a federal rule based on any updated version of the toy standard is the date the product is manufactured rather than it enters into commerce regardless of whether it is domestically produced or imported.

According to Toy Industry Association (TIA), ASTM and TIA are working together to publish an errata version of standard to correct minor editorial errors in the ASTM F963-16.

|Further Information:

Purchase ASTM F963-16 here

US toy safety standard ASTM F963-16 updated

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