India Released a Draft of New Regulations on Food Contact Materials
Published: Author: Visits: 1848

Indonesia's National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) recently released draft of new regulations on food contact materials. The new regulation has been into effect on July 29. The new regulation is one of the most comprehensive on food contact materials and packaging in the Asia-pacific region.

This new regulation is covering:

  1. Plastic
  2. Inks and dyes
  3. Paper and paperboard
  4. Resins and polymer coatings
  5. Metals
  6. Ceramics
  7. Glass

The regulation has several annexes containing chemical lists. The placement of the chemical on a particular annex determines how it is regulated:

  1. Annex I lists substances that are prohibited for use;
  2. Annex II lists substances that are permitted for use, with some restricted to a certain migration limit;
  3. Annex III lists FCMs and their corresponding total migration limits;
  4. Annex IV lists specifications for materials used as packaging for different types of food and beverages.

All products must comply with the new rules by 29 July 2020.

|Further Information:

BPOM Released the New Food Packaging Regulation

|Our Service:

Food Contact Material Testing