IARC Reclassified Talc as Probably Carcinogenic to Humans
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The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), part of the World Health Organization (WHO), has updated its classification of talc and acrylonitrile, now labeling it as “probably carcinogenic to humans” (Group 2A) for all forms not containing asbestos or asbestiform fibers. This update may significantly impact the chemical industry, especially under California’s Proposition 65 (Prop 65).


From Group 2B to Group 2A

Talc is a naturally occurring mineral commonly used in cosmetics products, including body powders and blush. Most people are exposed to talc in the form of baby powder or cosmetics. But the most significant exposure to talc occurs when talc is being mined, processed, or used to make products.

There were numerous studies that consistently showed an increase in the incidence of ovarian cancer in humans self-reporting the use of body powder in the perineal region. Although the evaluation focused on talc not containing asbestos, contamination of talc with asbestos could not be excluded in most of the studies of exposed humans. As a result, IARC now reclassified talc as Group 2A. This means talc is “probably carcinogenic to humans” based on limited evidence in humans, sufficient evidence in animals, and strong mechanistic data. Previously, talc used in body powders was classified as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” (Group 2B).

The updated classification by IARC is expected to trigger an automatic listing of talc under California’s Prop 65, a state law aimed at reducing exposure to toxic chemicals by mandating that businesses provide warnings about significant exposures to chemicals that cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm. Companies need to continuously monitor updates from authoritative bodies like the IARC and adjust their compliance strategies accordingly. The reclassification of talc also underscores the critical role of comprehensive research and risk assessment in protecting public health and maintaining consumer trust.

If you need any assistance or have any questions, please get in touch with us via test@cirs-group.com.

Further Information

IARC Press Release