Fidget Spinners Containing Lead Removed From Sale
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9 November 2017, the US Public Interest Research Group (US PIRG) issued a report to alert the Target store and its suppliers Bulls I Toys after testing for lead content on the handheld toys. The report shows high levels of lead in the Fidget Spinners. The store has removed the fidget spinner from sale.

The content of lead is as follows:


Lead in the Certain Circle

Lead in the Arm

Fidget Wild Premium Spinner Brass



Fidget Wild Premium Spinner Metal



10 August 2017, CPSC published the Fidget Spinner Business Guidance, defining the fingertip gyroscopes in two categories: general purpose products for people over 12 years of age and children's products for children up to 12 years of age. The federal legal limit is 100 parts per million (ppm) for lead in children's products.

Manufacturers and importers of Fidget Spinner used by children up to 12 years age and including 12 years age must also provide a written certificate of children's products based on CPSC's accredited laboratory test results (Children's Product Certificate, CPC) to demonstrate that their products meet the safety of children Regulations. C&K Testing is one of CPSC's accredited third-party laboratories, devoting to assisting enterprises in avoiding technology barriers to trade. C&K Testing reminds organization to pay attention to the relevant regulations on children's products to prevent subsequent risk.

|Further Information: Guidance on Fidget Spinner Admit No Delay

Children's Product Certificate (CPC)

|Our Service: Toys & Children's Products