European NGO warns the authorisation of HBCCD
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According to coverage of Chemical Watch on 23 June 2015, an environmental NGO shows that the authorisation of the flame retardant HBCCD should not be granted to use in expanded polystyrene.

The European EPA issued scorecard for authorisation, which includes comments and standard compliance on authorisation.

EU Commission and European countries will discuss requirements of HBCCD authorisation in the REACH Commission meeting on 7 July.

☞What is a scorecard?
EEB’s verdict on authorisation applications, the opinions handed down by ECHA's Committees, and overall compliance with REACH requirements for granting authorisations to substances of very high concern (SVHC).

To improve the authorisation process in order to ensure that SVHC are progressively replaced by safer alternative substances or technologies.

☞“Applications for the use of HBCDD in flame retarded expanded polystyrene (EPS) ”Scoring criteria
1. Uses applied for are specific and sufficiently documented
2. Information provided by the applicant conformed with the legal text requirements
3. Information was accessible to the public.
4. Applicant demonstrated adequate control or that the proposed risk management measures were appropriate and effective.
5. Applicant demonstrated that there were no suitable alternatives.
6. Applicant demonstrated that the socio-economic benefits of using the substance outweighed the risks.
7. RAC's opinion
8. SEAC's opinion


Further information
HBCDD Scorecard

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Laura Ho
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