European Commission Decisions on HBCDD authorisation
Published: Author: Visits: 1398
On 12 January 2016, the European Commission published decisions on authorising 13 enterprises to use HBCDD (a kind of brominated frame retardant) on the Official Journal of the European Commission.

The authorisation holders are required to submit a report to the Commission on a three-monthly basis on the available quantities of the polymeric flame retardant on the market and on the progress towards substitution of HBCDD.

There are 13 enterprises granted the authorisation for use of HBCDD in formulation of flame-retarded expanded polystyrene (EPS). Where the authorisation holder fails to submit review report before 21 February 2016, the authorised use ceases to be valid on 21 August 2017.

Substance nameHolder of the authorisationAuthorisation numberAuthorised useDate of expiry of review period
EC No.
INEOS Styrenics Netherlands BVREACH/15/6/0 REACH/15/6/1Formulation of flame-retarded expanded polystyrene (EPS) to solid unexpanded pellets using HBCDD as the flame retardant additive (for onward use in building applications)

Production of flame-retarded expanded polystyrene (EPS) articles for use in building applications
(Where the authorisation holder fails to submit review report before 21 February 2016)
INEOS Styrenics Ribecourt SASREACH/15/6/2 REACH/15/6/3
INEOS Styrenics Wingles SASREACH/15/6/4 REACH/15/6/5
Synthos Dwory 7 spółka zograniczoną odpowiedzialnością spółka komandytowo-akcyjna.REACH/15/6/6 REACH/15/6/7
Synthos Kralupy a.s.REACH/15/6/8 REACH/15/6/9
StyroChem Finland OyREACH/15/6/10 REACH/15/6/11
Monotez SAREACH/15/6/12 REACH/15/6/13
RP Compounds GmbHREACH/15/6/14 REACH/15/6/15
Synbra Technology bvREACH/15/6/16 REACH/15/6/17
Sunpor Kunststoff GmbHREACH/15/6/18 REACH/15/6/19
Dunastyr Polystyrene Manufacturing C. Co. LtdREACH/15/6/20 REACH/15/6/21
Versalis SpAREACH/15/6/22 REACH/15/6/23
Unipol Holland bvREACH/15/6/24 REACH/15/6/25


Further information
EU Decision on HBCDD authorisation

Contact us:
Laura Ho
Tel: +86 571 81907016
Fax: +86 571 89900719
Add: 1/F,No,4 Building, Huaye Hi-Tech Industrial Park, No.1180, Bin’an Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China