EU proposes to include 23 CMR restrictions under REACH Annex XVII
Published: Author: Visits: 1747

The European Commission has notified the World Trade Organisation (WTO) of its intent to include 23 substances as carcinogenic, mutagenic and reproductive toxicants (CMRs) and amend 2 CMR restrictions under REACH Annex XVII- the Restricted Substances List (RSL) with Notification G/TBT/N/EU/435. The comments period runs for 60 days since the notification date.

The substances concerned are listed in Appendices 1 to 6 to Annex XVII to REACH Regulation, which prohibits the placing on the market or use for supply to the general public of substances that are classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic or reproductive toxicant (CMR), categories 1A or 1B, and of mixtures containing such substances in specified concentrations.

According to a draft regulation, the recently classified CMR substances include the following phenols:

  • bisphenol A;
  • phenol, dodecyl-, branched;
  • phenol, 2-dodecyl-, branched;
  • phenol, 3-dodecyl-, branched;
  • phenol, 4-dodecyl-, branched; and
  • phenol, (tetrapropenyl) derivatives.

It is expected that the Regulation to be adopted in the third quarter of 2017.

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