EU Member States to evaluate 39 priority substances in 2016
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Helsinki, 22 March 2016 – ECHA has adopted the updated Community rolling action plan (CoRAP) for 2016-2018 with 138 substances to be evaluated. According to the plan, 22 Member States will carry out substance evaluation in the coming three years for 54 newly-selected substances and 84 substances from the previous CoRAP update. From today, the Member States have 12 months to evaluate the 39 substances specified for 2016.

Early on 28 October 2015, ECHA published the CoRAP draft on its website, which C&K Testing had reported. Compared with the draft, the final version deletes evaluation for two substances and adds a new substance in the plan while postponing the evaluation of many other substances at the request of evaluating Member States.

The initial concerns about these substances are, in many cases, related to potential persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) properties, suspected endocrine disruption or carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxic (CMR) properties in combination with wide dispersive or consumer uses. Justification documents explain the grounds for the initial concerns for each substance.

In addition, other concerns on the substance may be identified and addressed during the evaluation. Where necessary, the evaluating Member State will prepare a draft decision for requesting further information to clarify the suspected risks.

The evaluation may in the end conclude that the risks are sufficiently under control with the measures already in place. Otherwise, it may lead to the proposal of EU-wide risk management measures such as restrictions, identification of substances of very high concern, harmonised classification or other actions outside the scope of REACH.

C&K Testing reminds that businesses shall deal with obligations and duties where these substances are included in the Candidate List (SVHC list) or Annex XVII. It is advisable that businesses should take part in evaluation plan and make proper adjustment for the subsequent technical barriers.


Further information
ECHA website
CoRAP 2016-2018 list
ECHA publishes draft CoRAP for 2016-2018—News from C&K Testing in Oct. 2015

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