EU cosmetics committee approves the MI ban in leave-on cosmetics
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On 5 April 2016, EU’s Standing Committee on Cosmetic Products passed the proposal to ban Methylisothiazolinone (MI, or MIT) through vote.

The European Commission notified WTO of Circular No. G/TBT/N/EU/332 proposing to amend Annex V () to Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 by adding MI requirements on rinse-off products and banning the use of MI in leave-on products a day before that.

MI is a widely used preservative in products such as body lotions, make-up and deodorant. The European Commission's Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) concluded in 2013 that the use of MIT in leave-on products is not safe due to its sensitising potential.

According to Danish EPA, the official amendment will be published in the Official Journal of the European Union in three months and the regulation shall enter into force on the twentieth day following that of its publication. Meanwhile, it also allows for a 6-month transitional period.

On 1 April 2016, the European Commission consulted on limit of MI preservative in rinse-off cosmetics and proposed to reduce the current limit 100ppm to 15ppm. The public consultation period ends on 1 July 2016.

If both proposals are passed, the use of MI as preservative can only be allowed in rinse-off cosmetics with more stringent requirements. Cosmetics businesses shall pay close attention to the amendments and also control the use of preservative in the products to avoid risk. C&K Testing will keep you updated for the relevant information.


Further information
Amendment to Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 (draft)
EU Commission consults on MI restriction in cosmetics—News from C&K Testing in April

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