ECHA Supports to Ban PAHs in Clay Targets for Shooting in EU-wide
Published: Author: Visits: 581


ECHA’s Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC) supports the proposal to restrict polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in clay targets for shooting. The proposed restriction introduces,

  • a 0.005 % weight by weight concentration limit for the sum of 18 indicator PAHs since its implementation; and
  • a 1 % concentration limit after a one-year transition.

The restriction aims to prevent further environmental emissions of these toxic and very persistent substances that build up in humans and animals. Many PAHs are also known to cause cancer.

“At least 270 tonnes of PAHs per year are estimated to be released to the environment from PAH-containing clay targets. And these are shattered by the gunshot into the open environment with little possibility of applying risk management measures. The proposed restriction will reduce the identified risks by 99 % in a reasonable timeframe,” says Tim Bowmer, Chair of the RAC, in a new episode of the Safer Chemicals podcast.

In addition to the environmental risks, RAC considers that a restriction is justified as it will reduce exposure and related cancer risk for workers and the public handling and shooting clay targets.

The Committee for Socio-Economic Analysis (SEAC) also supports the restriction in its draft opinion. The committee considers that the proposal is the most appropriate EU-wide measure to address the identified risks, taking into account the proportionality of its benefits and costs to society. However, the proposed one-year transition period with a higher concentration limit might not be necessary. The 60-day consultation of the draft opinion is open until 14 November 2022.

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