ECHA's public consultation on 27 applications for authorisation
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Helsinki, 10 February 2016—ECHA has launched a public consultation on 27 applications for authorisation covering 39 uses of Chromium VI compounds, 1,2-dichloroethane and Diglyme. The consultation period ends on 6 April 2016.

The details are as follows:

Chromium VI compoundsUsed in surface treatment, hard and functional chrome plating, cooling systems, passivation of tin plates, production of copper foils, production of coloured stainless steel, and manufacture of sodium chlorate/chlorite. These uses take place in various industry sectors such as chemical industry, aerospace, automotive, electronics, lithography
1,2-dichloroethane (EDC)Used as solvent in the production of a polymer
DiglymeUsed as solvent in the manufacture of an active pharmaceutical ingredient

More information about such applications for authorisation is available on ECHA website.

Further information
ECHA website