ECHA Committee supports the restriction on BPA in thermal paper
Published: Author: Visits: 1350
According to report of Chemical Watch on 11 June 2015, Risk Assessment Committee (Rac) of Echa Committee backs French proposal on restrict the placing on the market of thermal paper containing BPA.

Hormone disturbing chemicals are used in till (cash) receipts and French government suggests EU to ban on such use. Rac of Echa has been discussing the proposal, and also showed that there was risk to workers due to such use.

After Rac’s opinion, the Committee for Socio-Economic Analysis (SEAC) will continue the discussion in September 2015 and is expected to give its final opinion in December 2015.

This is a big decision for people who are exposed to till receipts and thermal paper, especially for cashiers.

Research has shown that chemicals will be absorbed by blood stream when handling with till (cash) receipts containing BPA. According to recent research, even low doses of BPA will affect parenting behavior in mice. It also further proves the greater possibility of diabetes may be caused by BPA.

In the meanwhile, it is notable that BPA cannot be replaced by other chemicals with similar hormone disturbing effects in thermal paper, such as bisphenol S or bisphenol F.


Further information
ChemTrust Statement

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