Canada revises the Toys Regulations
Published: Author: Visits: 1419

On 25 November 2016, Health Canada prepares Regulation SOR/2016-302 to amend the Toys Regulations. The amendments concerns clarity of current requirements, updates of test methods, deletion of certain requirements, will not affect the toy industry nor the compliance and enforcement acts of Canada Health.

Here are the highlights of amendments:

  1. Revised requirements on Corrosive, irritant or sensitizing substancesin Sections 26 of the Regulations.
  2. Deleted subsections (1) and (2) of Section 27 which previously required that “The grade, quality, quantity and proportion of a substance — including a resin, plasticizer, antioxidant, dye, or pigment — that is used to manufacture plastic material that is contained in or constitutes a toy that is or is likely to be used by a child of less than three years of age must be those considered acceptable for use in the manufacture of food packaging materials and food containers.” The deletion results from lack of a positive list as the legal basis for enforcement.
  3. Deleted subsections (3) (d) phthalate requirements as their limits are otherwise specified in Phthalates Regulations by Canada.
  4. Deleted vibration and fall tests for toy batteries in Section 43 and Schedule 9 as such risks have been properly solved due to development in industrial standards, battery structure and technology.

The above amendments come into operation since 25 November 2016. C&K Testing advises business should pay attention to any update on the regulations to act with due care.

|Further Information:

Public Release

Canada proposes to revise lead and cadmium provisions for children products

|Our Services: Toys & Children's Products