Administrative measures to control industrial goods for import & export since April
Published: Author: Visits: 912

On 6 March 2016, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China (AQSIQ) released The Administrative Measures on Risk Management on Industrial Goods for Import & Export (“Measures”) that to apply on 1 April 2017. AQSIQ will make evaluations on the risks of products intended for import or export, and if necessary, will also take measures to re-dispatch, destroy, or recall products of high concern, or stop the intended import & export, sale or use of such products, or seal or detach such products in accordance with stipulations of laws and regulations.

The Measures specifies provisions for collection, evaluation, alerts, quick respond and supervision management of risks arising from industrial goods intended for export or import. But it does not apply to food, cosmetics, animals and plants.

The measures for risk alerts include:

I) Notify Inspection and Quarantine Authorities of related risks;

II) Notify producers and related organs of risks to propel them to take measures promptly to reduce/eliminate risks;

III) Release notifications on risk alerts to identify mandatory measure to be taken on risks and hazards that may arise from.

The quick measures to be taken include:

I) Adjust inspection and supervision mode;

II) Order operators to re-dispatch, destroy, or recall the products of high concern, or stop import & export, use or recall;

III) Seal or detach industrial goods of high concern and intended for import & export as per relevant laws and regulations;

IV) Organize to investigate the quality and safety status of products in the same category, related industry or regions during a specific period;

V) Notify competent departments and agencies and propose to assist in treatment.

Where manufacturers fail to take measures to or cannot properly control related risks, AQSIQ and competent authorities will order their correction. A penalty of RMB 30,000 Yuan is imposed in case serious adverse are effects caused when manufacturers refuse to correct.

C&K Testing advises you should establish a system to track product risks and check product compliance by testing to ensure quality and safety.

C&K Testing has been following up AQSIQ recalls to communicate you with the latest information.

|Further Information:

Administrative Measures (in Chinese)

AQSIQ recalls

|Our Services: China Regulatory Compliance Testing