加蒂诺时间11月28日,加拿大环境处发布公告,表示将非国内物质列表(NDSL,Non-Domestic Substances List)中的4项物质移至国内物质列表(DSL,Domestic Substances List),物质详细信息如下:
1.草酸锰 CAS号:640-67-5
2.diethylenetriamine tetra(methylene phosphonic acid), sodium salt CAS号:68399-68-8
3.2,5-furandione, telomer with vinylbenzene and (1-methylethyl)benzene, propyl ester, ammonium salt CAS号:174391-76-5
4.benzene, diethenyl-, polymer with ethenylbenzene and ethenylethylbenzene, aminomethylated, N-(2-pyridinylmethyl) derivatives, sulfates CAS号:1062586-89-3
DSL:The Domestic Substances List (DSL) is a list of substances that, between January 1, 1984 and December 31, 1986 were in Canadian commerce; used for manufacturing purposes; or manufactured in or imported to Canada in a quantity of 100 kg or more in any calendar year. The DSL contains approximately 23 000 substances. It is amended regularly to include additional substances that have been deemed eligible following their assessment under the new substances notification and assessment regime.
NDSL:An inventory of substances that are not on the Domestic Substances List, but are in commercial use internationally.
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